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Privacy Policy

Last updated: July 5, 2024

The Divorce Guide provides marketing, educational services, and a social network.

Welcome to The Divorce Guide

Thank you for visiting and/or, owned and operated by The Divorce Guide, LLC. We are committed to treating your personal information with respect and sensitivity. Our privacy commitment is described in this Privacy Policy. As our services evolve and we perceive the need or desirability of using information collected in other ways, we may, from time to time, amend this Privacy Policy. We post the effective date of our Privacy Policy on our website ("Site"). We encourage you to check our Site frequently to see the current Privacy Policy and Terms of Use in effect and any changes that may have been made to them. If we make material changes to this Policy, we will post the revised Policy and the revised effective date on this Site and may take other steps to advise you of the changes. Please check back here periodically or contact us at the address listed at the end of this Policy. 

This Policy is part of our Terms of Use Agreement. Please click Terms of Use to see that Agreement. 

Your Rights 

We may disclose your personal information to our affiliates or other third parties for their use in marketing to you unless you tell us not to. In order to opt out of such sharing or for further information, please write to us at the address listed below. 


General Information 

You have the right to understand how your information is stored and used. We require that sites linked to our Site contain a notice identifying their privacy policies. We are not responsible for the privacy practices of any third parties or the content of linked sites although we do encourage you to read the applicable privacy policies and terms and conditions of such parties or websites. 

Information We Collect 

When you visit our website, join or create a Network, interact with us or your Host through the Service, or use our mobile applications, we, as the service provider for your Host, collect Personal Data and other information from you (collectively, “Data”). We use your Personal Data to be able to provide the Service to you:

  • We collect Personal Data when you share it voluntarily.

  • We collect some Personal Data automatically when you visit our website, use the Service or use our The Divorce Guides mobile applications.

  • We and your Hosts use your Personal Data to provide and improve the Service, understand how you and other Members are using The Divorce Guides and to inform you about products and services that may be of interest to you.

  • Data does not include Your Content or User Generated Content. As we explain in our Terms of Use, you (and the people you license Your Content from) keep complete ownership of all Your Content. By posting Your Content on the Service, you grant us a license to use it, but you and your licensors still own it.


A. Personal Data you provide directly

‘Personal Data or Personal Information’ means any information relating to you from which you can be identified, directly or indirectly, including your name, identification number, location, online identifier such as your IP address or device ID, or one or more factors specific to your physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity.

'Special Categories of Personal Data’ means data revealing your racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union membership, and data concerning your health, sex life or sexual orientation.

‘Aggregated Data’ is data in a summary form for statistical analysis. A common purpose of aggregation is to get more information about particular groups based on specific variables such as age, profession, or income level.

‘Pseudonymisation’ means the processing of your personal data in a way that the personal data can no longer identify you without the use of additional information, so long as the additional information is kept separately and is subject to technical and organizational measures to prevent you from being identified or identifiable. We store and use your Personal Data together with an ID we assign each time you join a new The Divorce Guide. We assign you one ID per The Divorce Guide to ensure you have a personalized experience in each one.

Name and Email Address. When you register as a Host or Member of a The Divorce Guide, we ask you for your real name and your email address. Both we and the Host of the The Divorce Guide receive access to this information and use it to communicate with you about the Service. In addition, we and your Host may use this address to email you about products or services believed to be of interest to you. If you are a paying Host or Member, we may also collect your mailing address and zip code for billing purposes. Hosts may decide to collect your mailing address, via our Services.

Social Media Profiles. You can also register with your Facebook or LinkedIn account. When you register this way, you give us permission to access your Facebook or LinkedIn profile and photo. Your profile and photo will become part of your The Divorce Guide profile. See below for more information on Integrated Services like Facebook and LinkedIn.

Profiles and Topics. When you join a The Divorce Guide, you will be prompted to add a profile, including a short bio, and to choose topics to follow (“Topics”). From this information, The Divorce Guides personalizes your experience in each The Divorce Guide. Your Host can also choose and customize categories of Personal Data to collect from you including, if you agree, Special Categories of Personal Data.

Your Location. We ask you for your location so that we can facilitate interactions with other Members in your geographic area. In addition, if you opt-in our mobile app collects your GPS location information. If you enable location features, or do not disable GPS on your mobile device, other Members may be able to see your location.

Other Personal Data You Provide Directly. You may also provide us Personal Data when you use certain features of the Service such as participating in conversations or polls in your Networks, contact us with inquiries, or respond to one of our surveys.

B. Personal Data and Information we collect automatically

You have the option of registering using an Integrated Service, such as Facebook. If you choose to do this, your profile picture and other Personal Data in your profile on the Integrated Service will become part of your profile on The Divorce Guides. Please see the section below on Integrated Services for more detail.

Information About Your Use of the Service. Our servers automatically record your visits to the Service. Like all other website and mobile app servers, ours compiles a log that records the date, time, browser (i.e., Firefox), device type (i.e., iPhone), operating system (i.e. Android), and originating IP address of each page you visit.

We use cookies to collect information about your visits to our website and Service. Cookies are text files placed on your computer by websites to collect standard log information and visitor behavior information. Our cookies collect the following information about you: which website or ad you visited right before ours, which pages you visited on our Service, and how much time you spent on each section of our Service. We may also collect other data about your visit, such as search requests and results. We use this information for our legitimate interests to track usage of our Service, to measure the number of unique visitors to the different sections of our Service, to understand how Members find and join The Divorce Guides, and to help us make our Service more valuable to every Host and Member. The use of this information is called “analytics.” Often information used for analytics is aggregated.

Our mobile applications on iOS (Apple) and Android (Google) have to interact with our computer servers. We assign your device a token so that you do not have to log in every time you use the Service via our mobile apps.

You can reset your browser to refuse all cookies or to indicate when a cookie is being sent. However, some of our Service features may not work properly without cookies. Most browsers accept cookies automatically but allow you to disable them. For more information about cookies visit

Information About Your Location. From your IP address, we can generally tell where you are when you are accessing our Service, such as which city. We start by choosing a location for you based on the IP address of your Internet connection. You can update or remove this location at any time by logging in to your account on the Service.

C. Personal Data and Information Third Parties collect automatically

Third-Party Cookies for Site Use Analysis. We use third parties such as Google to help us analyze howpeople are using our Service. We also use the Google Analytics service to provide us with demographic data about our Hosts and Members, such as age and gender. Google uses a cookie that can be recognized by Google or its affiliate DoubleClick when you visit other websites. For more information about how Google collects, uses, and shares your information, please visit the Google Privacy Policy-Partners website at

Third-Party Cookies Used to Target Ads on Other Websites. “Beacons” are transparent pixel images that are used in collecting information about website usage across websites and over time. We use their own or third-party cookies or beacons to target Host ads to you when you visit other websites. We may also work with other companies who use their cookies or beacons to target third party ads to you on other websites based on your prior visits to the Host’s Network on our website Service. This is called online behavioral advertising (“OBA”), because you receive ads based on your prior online behavior. We do not have access to these cookies; it is third parties who engage in OBA.

Protecting Children's Privacy 

This Site is not designed nor intended to be attractive to use by children under the age of 18. We do not knowingly collect PII from minors. If you are under the age of 18, please do not submit any information to us. 

Disclosure of Information 

The use of your information is subject to the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use in effect at the time of use. The provisions contained herein supersede all previous notices or statements regarding our privacy practices with respect to this Site. 

We sometimes use aggregated data (independent of any personal identifiers) for research and commercial purposes. This information includes what areas our users visit most frequently and what services they access most often. This information helps us develop a better site that is more useful and accessible to you. 

We may use your PII internally, among other things, to offer our own, our affiliates' or third-party products and services that we think you may find of interest, but only we, our subsidiaries and contractors involved in distributing the offers or providing the products or services will have access to your PII. Our subsidiaries and contractors will be required to use any PII we provide them only for that intended purpose. 

We may use your email address to contact you to respond to your inquiries or to provide information on products or services to you. You can elect not to receive emails from us either by "unsubscribing" to an email you receive or by contacting us as indicated below. 

We may disclose your PII to unaffiliated third parties if: (1) you request or authorize it; (2) the information is provided to help complete a transaction for you; (3) the information is provided to comply with the law, applicable regulations, court orders or subpoenas, to enforce our Terms of Use or other agreements, or to protect our rights, property or safety or the rights, property or safety of our users or others (e.g., to a consumer reporting agency for fraud protection etc.); (4) the disclosure is done as part of a purchase, transfer or sale of services or assets (e.g., in the event that substantially all of our assets are acquired by another party, customer information may be one of the transferred assets); (5) the information is provided to our agents, outside vendors or service providers to perform functions on our behalf (e.g., analyzing data, providing marketing assistance, providing customer service, processing orders, etc.); or (6) to others as described in this Privacy Policy; or (7) the information may be shared with third parties for their marketing use. 

Opt-Out, Access, and Security 

If you do not wish to receive offers or other notices from us in the future, you can "opt out" by contacting us at the address indicated at the end of this policy. In addition, if you provide us with PII, you will always have the option of requesting that the PII be removed from our system by contacting us at the address indicated at the end of this policy. To review your PII, make any changes or corrections or to request that we remove your information please contact us at the address listed below. We will try to complete your request as promptly as possible. Any changes will affect only future uses of your PII. We use reasonable security measures in our physical facilities and in our computer systems, databases, and communications networks that are designed to protect information contained within our systems from loss, misuse or alteration. 

We are not responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of any non-public information that you provide us. If there is information that you wish to protect from disclosure to others, do not provide it to us. 

Links to Other Sites 

This Site may contain links to other sites. This Privacy Policy only applies to this Site. We are not responsible for the privacy practices of any third parties or the content of linked sites. 

Contacting Us 

If you have any questions or suggestions with respect to this policy, or if you wish to ask us to delete, correct, or show you your information as provided above, you can write to us at, or you can simply click on CONTACT US via  in the navigation bar. 


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